
Below please find my complete list of journal publications in reverse chronological order. If you have problems obtaining a particular paper, please let me know (at, and I will gladly send you the relevant item. Due to copyright reasons, I cannot post links to published papers. The links will work for those with electronic subscription to the relevant journals.

Leverage and Deepening Business Cycle Skewness (w. Ivan Petrella, Søren Hove Ravn and Emiliano Santoro). American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics 12 (2020), 245-281.

Changing Credit Limits, Changing Business Cycles (w. Søren Hove Ravn and Emiliano Santoro), European Economic Review 102 (2018), 211-239.

Estimated Interest Rate Rules: Do they Determine Determinacy Properties? The B.E. Journal of Macroeconomics: Vol. 11: Iss. 1 (Contributions), Article 11 (2011).

Monetary and Fiscal Policy Interactions in a Micro-founded Model of a Monetary Union (w. Roel M. W. J. Beetsma), Journal of International Economics 67 (2005), 320-352.

Mark-up Fluctuations and Fiscal Policy Stabilization in a Monetary Union (w. Roel M. W. J. Beetsma). Journal of Macroeconomics 26 (2004), 357-376.

Contingent Deficit Sanctions and Moral Hazard with a Stability Pact (w. Roel M. W. J. Beetsma). Journal of International Economics 61 (2003), 187-208.

Common Agency with Rational Expectations: Theory and Application to a Monetary Union (w. Avinash Dixit). Economic Journal 113 (2003), 539-549.

Structural Convergence under Reversible and Irreversible Monetary Unification (w. Roel M. W. J. Beetsma). Journal of International Money and Finance 22 (2003), 417-439.

Why Money Talks and Wealth Whispers: Monetary Uncertainty and Mystique: Comment (w. Roel M. W. J. Beetsma). Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking 35 (2003), 129-136.

Targeting Nominal Income Growth or Inflation? American Economic Review 92 (2002), 928-956.

Optimal Degrees of Transparency in Monetary Policymaking. Scandinavian Journal of Economics 104 (2002), 399-422.

To Peg or Not to Peg? A Simple Model of Exchange Rate Regime Choice in Small Economies (w. Helge Berger and Guttorm Schjelderup). Economics Letters 73 (2001), 161-167.

Optimal Monetary Policy Cooperation through State-Independent Contracts with Targets. European Economic Review 44 (2000), 517-539.

Monetary Policy Cooperation and Multiple Equilibria. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 23 (1999), 1133-1153.

Optimal Inflation Targets, 'Conservative' Central Banks, and Linear Inflation Contracts: Comment (w. Roel M. W. J. Beetsma). American Economic Review 89 (1999), 342-347.

A note on discontinuous value functions and strategies in affine-quadratic differential games (w. Ben Lockwood). Economics Letters 61 (1998), 301-306.

Inflation Targets and Contracts with Uncertain Central Banker Preferences (w. Roel M. W. J. Beetsma). Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking 30 (1998), 384-403.

Credibility of Optimal Monetary Delegation. American Economic Review 87 (1997), 911-920.

Monetary Policy Cooperation May Not Be Counterproductive. Scandinavian Journal of Economics 99 (1997), 73-80.

The Advantage of International Fiscal Cooperation under Alternative Monetary Regimes. European Journal of Political Economy 12 (1996), 485-504.

Note on 'Loss of Monetary Discretion in a Simple Dynamic Policy Game' (w. Roel M. W. J. Beetsma and A. Lans Bovenberg). Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 20 (1996), 1797-1800.

Sustaining policy cooperation between economies of different size. Journal of International Economics 36 (1994), 289-307.

Loss of Monetary Discretion in a Simple Dynamic Policy Game. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 18 (1994), 763- 779.

Efficient Bargaining and Accommodation Policies. Recherches Economiques de Louvain 59 (1993), 463-484.

International Monetary Policy Cooperation in Economies with Centralized Wage Setting. Open Economies Review 4 (1993), 269-285.

Rules, Discretion, and International Monetary and Fiscal Policy Coordination (w. Jay H. Bryson and David D. Van Hoose). Open Economies Review 4 (1993), 117-32.

Uncertainty in interdependent economies with monopoly unions. Journal of Macroeconomics 15 (1993), 1-24.

Time Inconsistency Problems and Commitments of Monetary and Fiscal Policies. Journal of Economics 56 (1992), 247-266.